Janice’s Journal: Justice an Important Pillar

As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Day, it is important to remember that an essential pillar of his civil rights platform was Justice. ACSOL which is a civil rights organization has, in fact, adopted and advanced one of Dr. King’s best-known sayings about justice: “Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere” in our lobbying efforts in the state capitol.

We credit the wisdom of Dr. King, as expressed in the saying above, as we recognize and celebrate that our efforts of 6 ½ years, as well as the efforts of others, resulted in the legislature’s passage of the state’s first Tiered Registry in 2017. We also credit the wisdom of Dr. King, as expressed in the saying above, as we prepare to lobby state legislators on February 5 for necessary changes to the Tiered Registry Law before it takes effect in 2021.

This is a steep legislative mountain to climb. For we are asking the legislature to change a law that has not yet been implemented, an argument that is certain to be used against us.

And yet how can we stay silent when there are major problems embedded in the Tiered Registry Law? For example, how can we ignore the fact that those convicted of a non-contact, non-violent offense such as possession of under-age pornography will continue to be required to register for life? How can we ignore the fact that the Tiered Registry Law fails to provide judges with discretion to allow a registrant to leave the registry if he has not re-offended for 30 years?

ACSOL’s attempt to modify the Tiered Registry Law has already been threatened. A professional lobbyist who supported an earlier version of that law recently told an ACSOL representative that if the organization attempts to modify the law, “We Will Crush You.” The threat seemed so real that the representative feared for her physical safety while in the lobbyist’s office.

The full meaning of the threat, “We Will Crush You,” is yet to be made apparent. We can expect, however, at least some resistance during this year’s Lobby Day.

As we prepare for that day, we can turn to another well-known saying from Dr. King: “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” ACSOL will act in faith on February 5 by taking the first step toward the staircase of improving the Tiered Registry Law.

Please join us so that we can work together to improve the Tiered Registry Law as well as the lives of all registrants and their loved ones.


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The key to legislation is baby steps, I know everyone wants the Supreme Court to just declare tomorrow but the registry is unconstitutional but the tiered registry is a good step in that direction.

I do realize that a tiered registry isn’t going to benefit everyone but I can say it’s a good start, in Washington tier 1 is not public and once you have served your probation there are no proximity restrictions some individual cities have residency restrictions but most of them fall under one foot 500 feet. Having some people off of Megan’s Law website will allow them opportunities and hopefully they give back to other offenders by providing jobs and support

The civil rights act wasn’t actually passed until after Doctor King died but a lot of the groundwork was laid before then.

Janice, you are a Saint. While your canonization may be a ways off, we know you are working hard for miracles. And we’ve seen some already. Thank you for your leadership on an enormous civil rights issue, THE civil rights issue of our day. Many of us are praying for you, and thanking God you have been called to this task at this time… and you have answered the call. THANK YOU.

Honest lady they wissor form demand an email but admits no desire for comm. Ask for FB that which I cannot produce. So I made one up just for them, easy enough can make another tomorrow then the day after that….
Fed shut down ,who needs a gov when you got databases just squeeze whoever got in your way. Macro econ 204, in that BigK preferred over little k, by businessman. But a gov “of for and by the machine????????” Well we will see. Best of luck in 19.

So sorry to hear about the brute lobbyist who threatened you, but that absolutely confirms MLK’s statement that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice. The lobbyist is threatening implied violence or some form of retribution simply because they don’t want justice to prevail. I am going on twelve years without a re-offense. I am a walking, living proof that the stats and fear mongers are wrong and the registry hurts some well intentioned people.

compliance check this past Friday, out of memory, they are checking every 3 years, Los Angeles california

I think the biggest tie in to MLK is his letter to the Birmingham Jail. He called out 8 moderate white preachers who didn’t approve of segregation but thought he was being too progressive in standing up for it. He believed that those who are against segregation but refused to stand up to it were worse than those who simply approve the segregation.

People should not be passive against the registry, they need to see the evil that it is and speak out against it.

I think the biggest problem with the registry is the blanket “you’re on it for life” attitude many have. It pretty much amounts to lifetime parole, and mind you, you can be put on it for life for one crime due to the age of the victim. Not only that, the use of labels such as “sexuality violent Predator” which makes one imagine someone violently kidnapping and raping multiple people. (Which one automatically gets said label in many states is the victim was under 13). People are given these labels and the government in most states have made it all but impossible to have them removed. People look on the registry and see these guys with said labels, and think they’re dangerous, not understanding the 50 year old man in the picture committed his crime when he was 19 and has been crime free ever since. There must be a fight for registry limits on all tiers without bogus tests to prove you’re not a threat. If you’ve been out 10+ years, its asinine for them to keep saying you’re a threat to society.

Thank you Janice. I can’t even imagine how Ca would be if it wasn’t for you? No registries? Great idea, but that’s not going to happen for a while! The Tiered Registry certainly isn’t perfect, but it’s a start. As I’ve already noted, we probably have the most liberal newly elected Governor in the World! If he won’t assist in making changes, no one will!!! Millions on the registry comment? I think the tiered registry is a bad idea? It’s certainly not ideal, but it’s a start. Nothing gets done in a day. The race isn’t always won by the swiftest or fastest, but by those who keep running! Thank you again Janice!

As for me, I almost lost hope what is being done for RCs. I know Janise and team have done somethings, especially in California, that are appreciated, however, it is just chopping off some limbs of a wicked tree. Unless the roots of lies and hatred is not dealt with the tree grow more uglier. I see no one going after the roots.

Well stated Harry! Maybe we should fire Janice? Oh, I forgot she is doing this voluntarily? I might recommend volunteering yourself, donating to the cause and becoming involved! Or, start your own website? Maybe it would be better if we where still banned from parks and beaches! Harry, I’m embarrassed!

Tiered registry bill is unconstitutional as written. It is offense based. They are trying to pass it off as risk based but it is not….

Yup! Why are you talking about out of state? If your plea is reduced and expunged here in Ca, you will be sitting pretty

I am going to Sacramento to help lobby to get CP offenses down to tier 1 or 2 and a couple other things that won’t impact me at all. My offense was a contact one, but I feel we have to make a habit of helping one another. That I believe is our only long term winning strategy.

“We will crush you”. That’s funny. As if we are not being crushed now.

Tim, really good comment. We need Action rather than Reaction! I completely see the others views, but some of your comments aren’t well taken. This is the time to make changes to the tierd system and we have 2 years! Best of luck!

Just because it has not been declared yet does not mean we are not in one.
Information war is a real thing and is exacerbated by electronic media.
SORNA collateralized ” gov use of a DATABASE. ”
The people unwittingly gave the feds unfettered use. It’s unconstitutional use in DOE paved the path for every potential use, against the people, and the dignity in individual treatment. We know who became the appointed leader of that group. He sets that courts agenda. The#ing federalist was rewarded for advancing the use of ex POST language AND unfettered use.
In my state, posting before due process forbidden, unless you’re a federalist, then OK!
Hell No! All fifty embraced the expost! Treason by means of database.The minority in DOE spotted a fly in the soup with Norma C’s case 400US430. I’ll be canned if I’m the guy who swallowed it accidentally in1992, Rock County WI, home of P.Ryan former speaker. No shit! his backside will be called to defense after I finish making hamburger out of Agent. I did not plea in that case! Right to contest knowingly was waived for me by caprice.THX!I

I’m sure they thought No one would step up, but guess what I WILL!
AGENT: You request e-mail addresses but the DOC has no intention to communicate?
Agent: If not to communicate back and forth then why?

Facebook keeps the email address I made specifically for DOC and I’ve never tried to use suckerburgs website. Like marten to feathered snare. FB is no different from the street. Keep your kids out of the steet! Common sense.

Common sense not to embrace ex post. Same for electronic indentured servitude, administrative or else.

Thank you again Janice. I think the way Ca is going, the next 4 – 8 years should provide a vast number of opportunities of change for us! Negativity will get you no where! I do have a question. I’ve not seen this addressed. This is in regards to SB 384! How will getting your charge (ie: 17 B) affect your tier? A felony to misdemeanor sexual battery? Furthermore, what if your felony or misdemeanor is expunged? Thanks

This is justice….
I wonder what all of the parents of children killed by drunk drivers will think of mister high and mighty?